About the journal

Structure, Function, Integration (SFI) is the leading journal of the structural integration (SI) and movement integration profession, which is a community of health practitioners who provide somatic education and manual therapy to their clients based on the legacy teachings of Ida P. Rolf, PhD (1896-1979). Published by the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® (DIRI), this Journal was started by Dr. Rolf as a members-only newsletter featuring articles written by Rolfers® about Rolfing® SI and Rolf Movement® Integration. More recently, SFI features articles by DIRI faculty members, Rolfers, the broader community of SI professionals, and relevant researchers whose work informs the practice of SI work.

SFI is a place where manual therapists, movement practitioners, medical professionals, and members of the public can find meaningful content about optimizing the structure and function of the human body, as an integral part of everyone’s health and well-being.

It is an honor to lead and guide the publication of Structure, Function, Integration. Each issue offers instruction, inspiration, and community, whether people pick one article of interest to read or take the deep dive to read the whole thing. This is a profession where the learning never ends and we are in a time where we need each other more than ever in order to provide the highest quality care to our clients.”

Lina Amy Hack - Editor-in-Chief

In 2015, the SFI journal moved from being a members-only publication to a public-facing international publication available on Amazon, both as Kindle digital issues and in print format. The journal has had several titles over the years, it became SFI in 2018. We strive to provide leadership within the SI profession, document the history of the SI profession and the legacy work of Dr. Rolf, and spotlight advances that elevate the work of SI as a whole.

SFI was first published in 1968 as the Bulletin of Structural Integration and was:

born of a feeling, expressed at the close of Dr. Rolf’s class in Big Sur [in the summer of 1968], that the communication during the course had been stimulating and valuable to all concerned and that there ought to be some way to continue it. Agreement on this point was unanimous . . . as a place to communicate . . . any sharing of experiences or views of what Structural Integration is, has been, or can become.”

Editors of volume 1, issue 1 Bulletin of Structural Integration

Former titles of Structure, Function, Integration:

  • Structural Integration (2001 to 2018)
  • Rolf Lines (1981 to 2001)
  • Bulletin of Structural Integration (1968 to 1981)

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